NTT DATA Embraces Differences, Promotes Fairness

  • junio 08, 2023

Diversity, equity and inclusion are words often used in the same breath, but what do they mean?

Diversity celebrates the unique qualities and differences among individuals for various aspects, such as race, gender, cognitive abilities, cultural background and life experiences. Equity is the principle of fairness and justice, providing equal access and opportunities for all. Inclusivity creates an accepting and welcoming environment where everyone feels valued, regardless of their differences. Championing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace generates a thriving and energetic atmosphere, unlocking our full potential, and fueling organizational success.

I believe our assets as an organization are rooted in what makes us human — our culture and values. I've witnessed how embracing DEI has ignited innovation, enhanced decision-making and bolstered the financial performance at NTT DATA. Some of our initiatives include revamping our hiring process to attract candidates from diverse backgrounds and training our employees to challenge unconscious bias and microaggressions. Our efforts also focus on increasing women's representation throughout the company. Initiatives such as hackathons for women allow us to identify and hire talented female technologists. At our offices in India, these targeted efforts have led to a substantial increase in women professionals, now making up 36.4% of the team.

At NTT DATA, our Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion oversees various initiatives, including our employee resource groups (ERGs). The ERGs provide networking and development opportunities for employees with shared backgrounds and interests, fostering a sense of belonging within the organization. These groups offer support, mentorship and a platform for individuals to contribute to the company's overall diversity and inclusion goals. Moreover, ERGs attract diverse candidates, offer support for career advancement and provide mentorship opportunities.

I admire how NTT DATA values feedback and regularly listens to its team members to identify their needs and take appropriate actions to address them. These efforts have helped foster a more inclusive and equitable workplace, attracting and retaining top talent from diverse backgrounds.

Company-wide support

On a broad scale, NTT DATA has adopted several far-reaching and all-encompassing priorities that support a diverse, equitable and inclusive culture. Two of these are of particular interest to me, including Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). I believe we have a responsibility to support the communities we live in and work toward the betterment of society. CSR initiatives at NTT DATA allow me and my colleagues to make a positive impact through volunteering efforts. These include partnering with non-profit organizations to support education, empower women, enable people with disabilities, and more. Activities such as these help us support causes that align with our values, connect with people, and appreciate differences.

At the same time, I’ve witnessed NTT DATA’s efforts to create an accessible and inclusive workplace for persons with disabilities. Being part of this culture fills me with pride as the company actively supports its employees with disabilities through the provision of assistive devices and software tools, providing a comfortable and productive work environment. Examples of such support include monitor glare guards, word prediction software, wireless headsets and ergonomic keyboards. Also, the Digital Accessibility Policy, established in 2021, makes sure that our website, mobile apps and PDF documents are free from barriers, making them accessible and user-friendly for persons with disabilities. In India, the company regularly upgrades its infrastructure to remain in compliance with the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016. Our compliance includes implementing features such as sensor doors, anti-skid strips, high-contrast bands, tactile ground-surface indicators, and accessible parking.

Meaningful programs for active, engaged employees

As an employee at our India campus, I'm proud to be a DEI champion in the organization and be a part of its several DEI initiatives, such as the Inclusion Intelligence Certification Program. The three-tiered, self-paced program empowers us to champion diversity. It makes sure we understand the significance of embodying the values, actions, and decision-making processes required to maintain a more diverse and inclusive workplace. It's broadened our understanding of inclusivity and provided practical tools to advocate for a more equitable work environment. Our Employee Engagement programs like Unplugged and Stronger You offer insight from industry leaders, subject-matter experts, and motivational speakers on topics ranging from health and fitness to mental wellbeing, leadership lessons, and productivity hacks. Additionally, the Employee Assistance Program is available 24/7 for guidance and counseling to those in need.

There’s more. NTT DATA’s Elevate program empowers women employees in our organization by providing them with the necessary tools and resources to achieve their career aspirations, particularly in technology and business leadership. I have had the privilege of witnessing numerous women in our company flourish as professionals and elevate their careers through this transformative program. Earlier this year, the company launched its Career 2.0 initiative to help experienced professionals return to work after a prolonged break. NTT DATA provides them with training, supportive mentors, and opportunities to work with the latest technologies so they can relaunch their careers with confidence.

The Be An Ally initiative empowers hiring managers to create a workplace where everyone feels respected, supported, and valued. Through training and educational resources, the initiative provides knowledge to support their colleagues, challenge bias and discrimination and foster an inclusive culture. To further support and promote work-life integration, NTT DATA introduced its Flexible Working Hours (FWH) Program for its India-based BPO employees. This program provides the flexibility to work in shifts, work from home, or a hybrid model, allowing employees to choose the best option that suits their lifestyle. Through these initiatives, NTT DATA is committed to creating an environment that recognizes and respects our employees' diverse responsibilities, obligations, and preferences beyond the workplace, including family commitments, personal development, and health-related reasons.

I am grateful to be part of an organization that prioritizes DEI, growth opportunities, wellbeing support, and community engagement. As we continue to evolve, our mission remains focused on nurturing a positive and inclusive culture where everyone thrives and contributes to collective success.

Learn more about how NTT DATA is embracing DEI.

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Shalini Kumar

Shalini Kumar serves as the Vice President of Project and Application Services in the India delivery team at NTT DATA Services. In her current role, she manages Global Application Delivery for the U.S. Healthcare Provider business. With more than two decades of industry experience, she leads and mentors a team of highly skilled technology enthusiasts and domain specialists, providing leading-edge solutions to clients worldwide.

Shalini has played an instrumental role in contributing to the diversity and inclusion portfolio and is also the diversity champion in India. She's been responsible for fostering the growth of diverse talent within the organization supporting equitable opportunities and promoting an inclusive culture.


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