Balancing cybersecurity budgets and threats in 2024

The cybersecurity landscape presents a daunting challenge in 2024. With a widening gap between escalating threats and the constrained budgets allocated to combat them, security teams are tasked with achieving more with less. Staying cyber resilient is a high stakes balancing act that requires strategic allocation of resources between cutting-edge tools and skilled personnel. The key to success lies in gaining understanding of an organization’s security position, to empower quick and more informed decision-making.

Top 5 most-attacked sectors

The 2024 Global Threat Intelligence Report reveals that manufacturing has now overtaken technology as the most targeted sector, as we see a continued focus from adversaries on targeting supply chain critical infrastructure. Technology remains a hotbed for attackers, accounting for over 20% of the incidents, while financial services climbed in the ranks of vulnerability to number three.

Key findings from 2024

Principales aspectos destacados

Ransomware reimagined

The United States remains at the epicenter of ransomware activity, which has evolved beyond mere encryption to more swiftly executed extortion schemes. This shift stresses a disturbing trend towards more aggressive and financially motivated cyberattacks.

Malware metamorphosis

A significant transformation in malware tactics has been observed, with a decline in banking trojans and a rise in the misuse of info-stealers and penetration testing tools. Organizations must adapt their defense strategies to address these evolving threats effectively.

Vulnerability intelligence

Last year witnessed a surge in the identification of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs), particularly among popular software vendors and SaaS platforms. Still prevalent this year, it is important to prioritize rigorous patch management and proactive vulnerability assessments.

Exploitation evolution

The rapid adoption of exploit code for severe vulnerabilities by malicious actors, particularly those leveraging generative AI, poses a formidable challenge. The report also points to the strategic use of zero-day vulnerabilities by threat actors to achieve significant disruptive impacts.

These insights not only highlight the dynamic and increasingly complex nature of cyberthreats but also highlight the urgent need for robust cybersecurity frameworks and proactive strategies. As the digital landscape evolves, so too must our approaches to securing it, making sure that organizations can withstand the storms on the horizon.

As malware evolves, so should our defenses.

The 2024 Global Threat Report highlights a decrease in banking trojans, while infostealers and quick-hit extortion tactics are on the rise. The report also reveals that the manufacturing sector has overtaken technology as the most targeted industry. This signals a major shift in where cyber adversaries are focusing their efforts.

It's time to reassess your cybersecurity strategy to combat these advanced threats.

Download the full report and learn:

  • Four ways to implement stronger response plans
  • Insights on human vulnerabilities
  • Ransomware trends and updates
  • Recommendations from leading experts at Analyst Centers and intelligence-sharing communities
GTIR report 2024 screenshot 

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