Digital Transformation Isn’t One Size Fits All
- enero 13, 2021
Take a look inside NTT DATA's ServiceNow Advisory eBook
For over 10 years, digital transformation has been top of mind for executives in every industry. And new global challenges are forcing businesses about the world to reexamine their strategies and processes.
But digital transformation isn't a one-size-fits-all endeavor. It’s a company’s bespoke combination of business models, operational evolution, and how value is delivered to the customer. Against the unparalleled backdrop of the past year, we can see all business models and external pressure shifting underneath us. For many organizations, that's pressurized the transformation journey they were already on.
With 39% of organizations (surveyed in a recent insight and vision analysis) reporting that they accelerated their digital transformation or ServiceNow roadmaps – expect the speed of digital transformation to achieve the planned results.
Companies now face a new reality: digitization or extinction.
ServiceNow is the heartbeat of the modern enterprise – a platform and workflow engine that unites and empowers all other enterprise technology and digital transformation. The platform’s growth in the market over the last decade speaks for itself, now claiming 42% of the 2,000 largest global companies among its customers. ServiceNow customers face a generation-defining opportunity to achieve what so many have been striving to for so long – align and automate work that powers business, enriching the lives of our customers and employees.
From NTT DATA’s new advisory eBook: charting your journey
Just as there is no single starting point for business digitization – every organization comes into their journey with a unique blend of technical debt, lack of adequate digital thinking, and organizational resistance.
When planning digital transformation, your number one priority should be creating a detailed plan that is best for your business, personalized for your team and addresses your org’s specific goals.
Pro tip: Buyer beware of one-size-fits-all solutions, find and replace PowerPoint decks. Your plan must be yours – scalable and based on best practice lessons.
With the right blend of practical advice, methods, and tools, your Transformation Roadmap should be a vehicle to guide your organization to envision how your business should work in the future, what your teams should look like, and how to maintain momentum to best sustain success.
By definition, the process of transforming is never really over. Rather than thinking of your transformation as a one-and-done system upgrade to complete, adopt the mindset that it’s an ever-developing path forward into the future.
Making the change
While the call to transform is compelling, the actual work of change is hard. To help your teams tackle the necessary in-the-trenches work to create a digital business model, we asked our advisory team to detail the biggest and most common challenges faced by our customers. Then we asked what advice and guidance we can offer to clear those hurdles away (or at least effectively combat them.) Here are some common scenarios that can often decelerate digital development:
- New business obstacles that force an organization to transform or fall behind
- The need to show ROI and a faster time to value for technology investments
- Lack of momentum for critical transformation efforts
- Sustaining momentum and evolving value
- Increased pressures from competition requiring new innovation
We can help you lean more about clearing these hurdles to unlock the next level of your digital transformation.